Category: Literature Study

MLA Citation Examples

The Modern Language Association (MLA) style is widely used for identifying research sources. This style does not use footnotes to identify a source when it is quoted in your paper. Instead, you briefly identify sources in the text of your paper, and give the complete description of each source in your Bibliography. The bibliography is …

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The Origin and Evolution of Fairy Tales

According to Hamilton and Mitch, a Folk Tale is a story which has been handed down from person to person for generations and generations. Therefore, one of the most important identifying features of a folk tale is that it belongs to an entire culture, rather than to an individual. For this reason, folk tales give …

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Annabel Lee – A Love Story

The greatest American teller of mystery and suspense tales in the 19th century was Edgar Allan Poe. In his mysteries he invented the modern detective story. In Poe’s poems, like his tales, his characters are tortured by nameless fears and longings. Today Poe is acclaimed as one of America’s greatest writers, but in his own …

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A Response to Katherine Mansfield’s The Garden Party

Katherine Mansfield (1888-1923) is remembered as one of the classical writers of English short stories, and it is very much due to her works that the short story gained a full literary status. In The Garden Party, we meet Laura Sheridan, a young girl living in the rich Sheridan family. She was the youngest daughter …

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Essay Response for “The Birthmark”

In “The Birthmark,” Hawthorne described a young scientist who killed his own wife by pursuing “perfect future” (Hawthorne, 220) while trying to remove a birthmark on his wife’s face. His name was Aylmer. He was a good scientist according to any standard. He was smart, diligent, and “an eminent proficient” (Hawthorne, 203) in natural science. …

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